Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Word Nerd, Anyone?

At one time I imagined myself a writer. I was one of those kids that always had a notebook or something, waiting for inspiration to hit me... I guess, I'm still that kid. But now, most of my pages are full of To Do lists and reminders for meetings and don't forget to calls...

In my mind, graduate school squashed out the rest of the creativity that excessive responsibility didn't kill. It's frowned upon in some peer- reviewed journals, it seems... I still like to write. And read. And correct other people's writing... and talk about books... You could say, I'm a word nerd. [heh]

Why am I babbling about this? Partly, because it's the middle of the night and those are the best times for babbling... partly because, words being my thing and all, writing this is bringing me down from the work I've been consumed with for the past two hours.... but mostly because you gotta know what you love. Not just who you love. But what gives you those "YES!" feelings. What helps you look forward? For many moms (sorry to sound exclusive, I'm just going on anecdote, here) I have worked with, they have lost sight of who they WERE before they became a mom. And as the kids get older, they have little insight into who they ARE as people, now. It makes it hard to let your little birds leave that nest if you are sitting around staring at the empty straw, wondering what makes you feel worthwhile...

... So... off you go! Find it. Do it. LOVE IT! (and yourself).

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