Sunday, January 1, 2012

Sit Down or Get Knocked Down

I hear people say, and I've said it myself, that sometimes it's just not worth it to take a vacation: you have to pile things in to get ready for the break and when you come back you have to scramble to catch up. I've heard it and felt it often enough to know it's true most of the time.

But it doesn’t apply just to vacation. It also applies to taking time off when you're sick. Plus, you get to add the phenomenon of not wanting to take sick days when you are actually sick.

Well, last week I was sick. Really, I was sick for about two weeks prior to that. But last week, it was bad enough that I had to leave Head Start (where I consult) early, I cancelled patients, I couldn’t sleep well, I ate my weight in cough drops. I was cranky. I was sick sick. But if I had stopped ad taken care of myself any time during the two weeks I was just feeling a little sick, I could have made things easier on myself. And the people around me.

At the base of parenting, is self- care. It’s there for a reason. You cannot care for others when your body, your life, your sanity is falling down around you. And if you think to ignore it, Think again.

So, what are you going to do this week to care for yourself?

And if you left me a message last week, please be patient. I’ll get to it.

1 comment:

  1. I remember a supervisor once in graduate school telling me that she was sick one day while working in private practice. She excused herself out of her office with her garbage can, threw up, and came back into the office to work. She thought a lot about what message she was sending to her client and vowed to take better care of herself. We do such crazy things sometimes! Thanks for the reminder about self-care.
